How To Celebrate the Spring Equinox

Happy Equinox!

Equinoxes occur twice a year. They are marked by the time the sun is exactly above the equator, creating an equality in the time of day and night. The word equinox is derived from Latin meaning “equal night”. The Spring Equinox marks the day of equality as the sun starts moving north creating longer days than nights. It indicates the first day of the spring season and has been revered for the time of new ideas, curiosity, and sprouting. For those in the Northern Hemisphere this occurs in March, for those in the Southern Hemisphere in September.

In the Wise Woman tradition, the Spring Equinox is represented by the archetype of the Maiden. The Maiden is a young, curious, creative girl. To her, everything is new and filled with possibility. To embody the Maiden during this time is to open up our lives to joy, hope, playfulness, and the possibilities of something new around every corner. The Spring Equinox shifts mindsets and behaviors from the time of rest and reflection to a time of outward interest. It may feel much like coming out of a shell.

Ostara is another name for the Spring Equinox. Ostara originates from the name of the Spring goddess, Eostre. Symbols of Ostara, and coincidentally of the holiday Easter are rabbits, eggs, grass, and flowers. The colors of Ostara are bright green, yellow, and purple.

Below are some ideas of how to celebrate and take advantage of the Spring Equinox:

  1. Stand outside facing the sun, say thank you to each piece of nature that you can see, thanking the sun and acknowledging the coming of growth and renewal.

  2. Dye eggs with natural dyes using herbs from your kitchen, your local apothecary, or herbs you harvest yourself. Some examples are turmeric for a deep gold, blackberries for a dark blue, and beets for a rich red.

  3. Do an egg hunt with your friends or family

  4. Hold a planting ritual by planting seeds of plants, herbs, and flowers inside or outside if your location allows. These can be used later in the summer and fall for cooking and teas.

  5. Meditate or practice yoga or meditation with the intention of finding balance in your breath, mind, body, and spirit. Click here for a free yoga class centered around the springtime energy.

  6. Celebrate the bounty of the spring with a feast including eggs, fruits, vegetables, jam, fresh bread, and anything that feels fresh and abundant to you.

  7. Join a Women’s Circle to sit with others in community while celebrating the season. Check out the calendar of offerings here.

Happy Equinox! May you find balance and harmony!

Mia Tarduno

Hi I’m Mia Tarduno of Move Create Radiate. I teach workshops, classes, and gatherings to educate and guide people through cycles in their bodies and lives.

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