Women’s Wisdom Practice for the Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere represents a time of depth, darkness, and reflection. In women’s wisdom, it correlates to the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle. This is a time for rest, wisdom, and deep inner knowing.

It can seem difficult to connect to this depth sometimes amongst the chaos of the holiday season and the rush to finish projects and work before the end of the year. This is when it is especially important to carve out even a little bit of time to pause and reflect to start the year off in tune with the natural cycles of the earth.

To get you started, below you’ll find a practice you can do any time of year to reflect on your priorities and align your life with the things that bring you joy and energy, and let go of the things that don’t.

Allow yourself at least 30 minutes for this practice. You can do this with a partner, a group of friends, or on your own. Grab a journal and a pen, maybe light a candle, or make some tea, and dive in.

Step 1: Create a line down the middle of a piece of paper. On the left side write a title of “Things that give me energy” on the right side write a title of “Things that drain my energy”. Write a list under each of these titles of anything you can think of in all aspects of your life that either bring you energy, uplift your spirits, and leave your feeling alive, and the things that make you feel tired and heavy. These could be people, situations, projects, foods, songs, clothes, activities etc.

Step 2: Choose 3 things from your “Give me energy list” that you want more of in your life. Circle these three things.

What do you need to put in place in order to have more of these 3 things in your life? Can you add a few dates to your calendar? Call a friend, sign up for a class, order some materials? Take one step towards each of your three things NOW. Really, get out your calendar, order the things, call the friend, set it into motion so this will be smooth sailing into the new year.

Step 3: Choose 1 thing from your draining list that you’re ready to let go of. This doesn’t mean that it will no longer be a part of your life, but choose something that you’re ready to give less energy and attention to. On another page, put this thing at the top, and answer the following questions about it:

• Why is this a part of my life?

• What am I holding on to?

• What is at the root of it?

• What would happen if I let it go/if it wasn’t a part of my life anymore?

• It really stinks that …

• The truth is …

• And underneath that is …

• Starting next year I choose to interact with this by …

Step 4: Integrate this work with movement. Many people store emotions and thoughts in their bodies. Integrate this practice by ending with a dance party, a walk or hike, yoga, or any movement practice that feels right to you.

May you greet this time with space, understanding, and reflection so you may start off the new year with presence and grace.

Next steps

If you’d like to work on custom rituals for your unique experiences, I work one-on-one with women for 3 months to create a rhythm for them and their families.

Mia Tarduno

Hi I’m Mia Tarduno of Move Create Radiate. I teach workshops, classes, and gatherings to educate and guide people through cycles in their bodies and lives.


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